Apart from known symptoms of diabetes like increase in trust, hunger and urination, weight loss, fatigue, skin problems, Tingling hands, slow healing sores, yeast infections, fatigue and irritability, etc. There are few symptoms of diabetes which are lesser know and found frequently in people suffering from diabetes. These are as follows :
Unpleasant skin irritations : The dark velvety patches observed on back neck, elbows or knuckles, are often an early warning sign indicating high blood sugars. "High insulin levels promote the growth of skin cells, and melanin, a pigment in these cells, makes the patches dark.
Sudden no need of specs : Suddenly you do not need to wear your glasses can be not such a good sign. It has been known that blurred vision is often associated with diabetes but, actually the symptom is vision change which can be for better or worse.
Dry and itchy skin : Another effect on skin is dryness and itchiness of the it, caused due to problems in circulation. Some of my newly diagnosed diabetes patients mention they're itchy on their extremities the hands, lower legs, and feet, so it's something doctors should consider in conjunction with other symptoms.
Lowering of your hearing capacity : Many times it can happen that you need to increase TVs volume as unable to hear properly, and you can not hear what people are taking so, need to ask them repeatedly while conversing. One study by the National Institute of Health suggested hearing loss could be an early warning sign of diabetes: People with higher than normal blood sugar who didn't yet meet the criteria for diabetes were 30% more likely to have hearing damage than those with healthy glucose levels.
Loud Snoring : The another surprising symptom for the diabetes can be snoring intensively making loud noise. According to a recent survey it was found that, about half of type 2 diabetes have sleep disordered breathing. Hence, if you are suspecting the same condition of snoring and daytime sleepiness then, it is good bet to monitor your blood sugar levels with preventive health check up. A study conducted showed that 23% of patients diagnosed with mild or moderate obstructive sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder, went on to develop diabetes within 5½ years. The connection isn't completely understood, but there's one important link between the two: Patients with sleep-disordered breathing tend to release stress hormones during sleep, which can raise blood sugar levels.
Yeast Infections : In diabetes the immunity gets suppressed Diabetes is considered an immunosuppressed state,. That means heightened susceptibility to a variety of infections, although the most common are yeast (candida) and other fungal infections, she says. Fungi and bacteria both thrive in sugar-rich environments. Women, in particular, need to watch out for vaginal candida infections.